Eeeek! What happened to Word Press?

Eeeek! What happened to Word Press?

If you use a Word Press website daily, you already discovered this in December (2018) and can stop reading now.  But, if you’re an infrequent user you may be just discovering….  Word Press doesn’t look/work the same. And if your site uses the Divi...
Your Mobile To-Do

Your Mobile To-Do

So you’ve got a website. Somewhere in your mind there’s a little check-mark by that big to-do. You might not think about the site much, but it’s there. People see your phone number and other basic information. You exist on the web and that’s really all you need. Or is...
A Word Press Confession

A Word Press Confession

It’s hard to admit, but I’ve fallen under the temptation of avoiding my own website.  One of the cardinal sins for a website owner, but especially horrible to admit for someone who creates and services websites for a living!   Please don’t walk in my...