So you’ve got a website. Somewhere in your mind there’s a little check-mark by that big to-do. You might not think about the site much, but it’s there. People see your phone number and other basic information. You exist on the web and that’s really all you need. Or is it?

While it’s tempting as a busy small business owner to put your site on autopilot, Google keeps shaking things up and making it difficult for you to do that.
Honestly, not keeping your site fresh and leveraging it as a tool to grow your customer base is a shame. We both know it, but sometimes you just don’t have the time (Skipjack can help with that by the way).

Changes by Google in the last couple of years, however, is holding your feet to the fire. If your website is a few years old, it may get punished in mobile search engine results for not being responsive and mobile-friendly.

What does that mean? People are more connected than ever, using both wider screens at work, smaller screens of smart phones and everything in between with tablets and laptops. Websites must respond to the different dimensions of the screens on which they’re being seen, automatically resizing and re-organizing content in order to look great and work right no matter the screen.

Google saith that sites that are mobile friendly are likely to rank higher in results.  Web viewing on a mobile device is outpacing viewing on a desktop so if your site is falling in the results for searches while on a mobile device, that may be a big hit for you.

Click here for a tool to test your site.  If your site isn’t considered mobile-friendly, talk with me about putting your site back on your checklist.

Kristin  –
Skipjack Web